From The Heart Page 13
‘I love having a friend who talks about Manolos and Milan,’ said Sheridan. ‘It makes me feel very cosmopolitan.’
‘Well I love having a friend who can get me freebies to the footie and the rugby,’ said Talia. ‘It makes me feel part of the sporty set.’
‘You’re such a fool, Brehon.’
‘So are you. Right. Let’s get to the pub before the news department does. You know what they’re like. They’ll have it drunk dry in an hour.’
Ask Sheila: an author Q & A
What luxury item would you take with you to a desert island?
Sun cream – although it’s not really a luxury, more of a necessity because I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the sun part of the desert island without it. I’d get one with anti-mozzie in it too because I seem to be a total magnet for mosquitoes who enjoy feasting on my blood! I come up in terrible bumps afterwards which isn’t a good look.
What would your ideal night in consist of?
Dinner in and cocktails in Barcelona – one of my favourite cities in the world. Obviously it would have to be done like the Catalyunas – tapas and drinks first, a stroll along La Rambla and then dinner at about 9.30 or so. I love the way Barcelona comes alive at night.
When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer, an astronaut, a professional tennis player. One out of three isn’t bad.
If you could recommend one book to a friend what would it be?
The Golf Omnibus by P. G. Wodehouse. The funniest, greatest pick-me-up book in the world. It’s not really about golf, although his take on obsessive golfers is hilarious, but it’s full of his elegant writing and witty one-liners. Wodehouse’s mastery of comic writing is sadly underrated.
What’s your favourite film to watch on a rainy day?
Apollo 13 (that astronaut thing again). Also because, as a child, I remember it happening even though I didn’t quite realise the seriousness of the situation at the time. I remember standing in the back garden with one of my friends looking up at the night sky trying to see the space capsule. It was a real-life triumph and we don’t have enough of those.
What three things do you never leave the house without?
My phone, my credit card, my asthma inhaler. If I’m missing any of those I feel as though I’m missing a limb.
Where in the world that you’ve never been would you most like to visit?
The Arctic Circle to see the northern lights. Because I like the sun and warmth I tend to go south for my holidays. I keep promising myself that I’ll head north soon – I spent a few days in Stockholm a couple of years ago and I loved it, so I just need to head a bit further north to catch the lights.
Where does the inspiration for your novels come from?
Everywhere. On the bus, on the train, at the airport – seeing people in the street, wondering about them, who they are, where they’re going . . . stories just come. I’m always terrified that one day the ideas will stop and I’ll be left staring at my laptop unable to write a single word.
What do you like doing to relax?
Reading, particularly outdoors, either at the beach or sitting beneath the apple tree at home. I also play badminton (on the basis that I’m sitting on my bum all day and I need to get out and do something different). Truthfully, though, once I have a book I’m perfectly happy.
What makes you laugh?
Politicans’ promises. Dara Ó Briain. Re-runs of Father Ted. Modern Family. I used to crack up when my (sadly late) cat would sit on the garden wall and wave his paw at the dog next door. The poor dog went mental trying to jump up at the cat but he could never reach.
Do you prefer reading ebooks or physical books?
Physical books, although I don’t mind how other people read books, it’s the reading that’s important. I’m more inclined to read non-fiction on an ebook reader.
Which TV programme do you ensure you never miss?
There’s no programme that I regard as unmissable, but I like ones with strong characters, like Mad Men. I also watch reruns of Stargate because although I never read science fiction I enjoy watching it.
Do you prefer red or white wine?
Red during the winter or any time it’s cold. White if I’m eating outdoors. I’m a fan of Spanish wines because I have a holiday home in Spain. My favourite white is Viña Esmeralda and I’m fond of Campo Viejo for a reasonably priced red.
Which character from your books do you resemble the most?
This is a brilliant question but one that I can’t really answer. There’s a part of me in all of the characters because I live vicariously through them when I’m writing, but many of them react quite differently to me to various situations. I actually like having my characters be able to do things I can’t. (For example, Isobel in Isobel’s Wedding is unlike me in loads of ways and is good at sewing, which I can’t do to save my life. Ash, in My Favourite Goodbye, is a great cook unlike me.) I like them to have interesting careers too, like Carey, (Too Good to be True) who’s an air-traffic controller and Lainey (All For You) who’s a meterologist and does TV weather forecasts. Physically, I like making my characters tall, because I’m short, and I often give them lovely, manageable hair because mine is so bloody difficult!
Do you have an embarrassing celebrity crush, and if so who?
Rafa Nadal – attractive, athletic and brooding . . . OK now I’m only thinking about him and not anything else . . .